Voting in elections
Most Recent 2024

Should Christians Vote?
Should any Disciple of YaHshua Vote?
Right up front, let me say -- Yes, is my answer. Well, that is my opinion and I will give you my reasoning. And, with a little cheat, right at the beginning, I throw this out -- our Heavenly Father is in control, and our vote may or may not have any influence. People, in the Bible, usually got the leader they deserved, and with a lot of grace periods added. So, hide under a bushel basket, or in a cave, or come out and show your hand. Don't get me wrong, voting is not the same as joining into the political system. Still, looking in your Bible you will find examples where, called our Prophets did work in the political side of things and in some cases were persecuted by those of the opposing party -- think, Daniel, Ezekiel, Nathan, and others. Look as Joseph, a man our God took, and by circumstances beyond the believer's control, put Joseph, second to none, beside the Pharaoh. There are other examples.
Our Heavenly Father is in control of everything. He sets them up and takes the down -- really, so when something happens that seems to be against us, as believers, then He is allowing -- that has to be the position of anyone saying they do not vote, as I once did. Truthfully, it is hard to have a serious opinion about anything if you say you do not vote for what you believe to be a better choice. That is like saying that you are willing to be a two part citizen, as the Apostle Paul was a Jew with Roman citizenship, and back in the day, that meant something -- Paul has been taken captive for inciting a riot, or so he was accused, and the question of his being put in chains came up --
Act 22:26 When the centurion heard this, he went to the commander and reported it. "What are you going to do?" he asked. "This man is a Roman citizen."Act 22:27 The commander went to Paul and asked, "Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?" "Yes, I am," he answered.
Act 22:28 Then the commander said, "I had to pay a big price for my citizenship." "But I was born a citizen," Paul replied.Act 22:29 Those who were about to question him withdrew immediately. The commander himself was alarmed when he realized that he had put Paul, a Roman citizen, in chains.
Paul claimed the rights of a Roman Citizen -- he had dual citizenship, and he was not afraid to take advantage. If we, like him, and Apostle, does not think it is improper to do so, then why should we. You do, however, have to follow your own conscience -- just make sure it is not a self-righteous choice.
Think about this too; Do you believe that our Creator God, and our Savior, put the lowest of men, men lacking character, and in moral decline in the Highest office among men on Earth? Of course He does, and if such a person succeeds it can only be that He had supernatural help. Sometimes, however, we can see the choice of Leaders is, well, hand picked for the job. Still, we see others who are not, and become some of our biggest, historical failures. What does this prove? That our God, the God of all Creation, the Father of YaHshua our Savior, is the One in Charge.
Think about it. If this were our Father's Kingdom, it would be far different from what it is now. No, this World Kingdom, with its various parts and pieces is Satan's Kingdom -- for now. Satan could not have offered our Savior, YaHshua, the Kingdoms of the world if he did not own them -- when the offer was made, YaHshua never corrected him