YaHshua Speaks
PROPHECY > Prophets Speak
Matthew 24 - YaHshua's Prophecy
YaHshua Speaks
Presented by your servant, Dan L Baxley
email: dan@servantsofyahshua.com
The following is a commentary on Matthew 24, one of the most important Prophetic writings in the whole Bible, when coupled with the Book of Revelations. YaHshua is a direct source and tells us what our Heavenly Father wants us to know -- YaHshua takes us on humanities adventure through the ages, taking us to the opening of the 6th Seal -- Revelation 6:12-17 -- The Sign of His Coming. He begins by telling His disciples that the Temple they were admiring, would be torn down, "...not one stone on top of the other". Let's consider what He revealed to them and to us and to the world, events only our Creator could possibly know. Let's begin --
(Mat 24:1) YaHshua left the Temple and was walking away when His disciples came up to Him to call His attention to its buildings.
Comment: Notice the disciples were admiring the “buildings” not just the Temple but the whole complex. Several other buildings and walls and structures, many having nothing to do with the Temple itself. King Herod was admittedly a wicked king but he spent 40 years of his life building this monument to himself and to keep the Jewish leadership happy, and, perhaps, to buy favor with the God of Israel. He would not be the first to think to buy his salvation his way into favor. These building, however, were never part of the City of Jerusalem itself. Jerusalem was the original City of the Jebusites (2 Sam 5:6-7) the very city of the Jebusite’s, Jerusalem, (City of Peace), King David took for himself and thus, became known as the City of David, sometimes called the Mount Zion, or just, Zion (Jerusalem). The Temple would be built later, from a place overlooking the City of David at a location David had sacrificed to YaHWeH -- a place the Angel of YaHWeH would be sending a curse over the people of Israel, stopping at Jerusalem.This Angel of YaHWeH is told to stop or cease while King David see this Angel and YaHWeH tells David to procure The Threshing Floor of the Jebusite, Araunah -- 2 Sam 24:16 -- and to make a sacrifice there, for the sins of the people. Why is this important? Because, today the Temple is gone, not a stone left, and this is the only clue as to its location -- the threshing floor of Araunah -- a place where grain was taken and beaten and then tossed in the air to allow the wind to carry away the chaff, while the seed would fall back to the floor. This had to be a large flat area where wheat or barely could be spread out and beaten with flails, the scooped up and tossed into the air. An ideal surface would be of a large flat stone surface, a place where the grain could be easily manipulated. Some believe this is the stone surface covered by the Muslim Dome of the Rock, as it is called. However, if you have ever been there or seen pictures of this stony surface you can see that it shows very little wear and is not flat and has many crevices and crack and would not be suitable for any large operations for tendering grains, much less for building a Temple of any size on top of.Prophecy students of today and yesterday argue over the need for it to be rebuilt to fulfill Biblical prophecy -- for the Jews the Temple must stand or be rebuilt for their Messiah to enter and for the Christian prophecy students it must be rebuilt for the son of perdition, that son of sin, (the Beast?) to enter and claim that he is God. But, the big problem, for both in this argument, is over just where did this Temple stand? It is doubly important because YaHshua, whom the first Christians accepted as the promised Messiah and Savior, mentions the Abomination that Causes Desolation standing in the Holy Place, verses 15 &16, as a quote from the book of Daniel.
(Mat 24:2) Do you see all these things? He asked. "I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every-one will be thrown down."
Comment: Our Messiah said this and it happened, but not as many teach. It is really quite simple -- our Messiah is obviously speaking of the “buildings” the disciples were admiring. Some of the stones used in the construction of the surrounding buildings were approximately 42’ x 11’ x 20’ and weighted several tons. The Romans tore the Temple down to the ground, down to the original, "threshing floor", in 68 AD – 70 AD. The Temple proper is no longer visible. The complete destruction of the buildings may not be complete. To this day the Western wall still stands in part, but this is not part of the Temple itself, it is a retaining wall that surrounded and help support the Temple area and has been dated to around the 2nd century BC. We cannot say, therefore, that this prophecy is really finished if it is determined that our Savior was talking about all of the surrounding buildings or, just the Temple itself -- everyone knows about the Western Wall, also called the “Wailing Wall” and it is yet to be thrown down, making a complete fulfillment of YaHshua’s words, in fact, reading from Josephus we have a record that that portion of the Wall was left standing as a monument to Roman power, so everyone could see how great the Wall was and what a mighty deed it had to have been to have torn it down, block by block and beaten into powder – they left that portion to proclaim their greatness at completing such a task. It is not part of the Temple and never has been -- a retaining wall, which is a wall to hold back or retain soil behind it, to keep it from moving or spilling out. This Western Retaining Wall has become a worship site for the Jews but to the Romans it was, possibly, left behind for bragging rights.
Historical Quote: "This wall was spared, in order to afford a camp for such as were to lie in garrison [in the Upper City], as were the towers [the three forts] also spared, in order to demonstrate to posterity what kind of city it was, and how well fortified, which the Roman valor had subdued;..." (Josephus, 7.1.1, translated by Whinston Williams)
Later the City of David, Zion, also known to us as Jerusalem, would suffer the same fate -- 138AD – 140AD, when the whole of Zion, that city Jerusalem was flattened, but still portions of the wall of the Temple area (the Wailing Wall) were left standing, covered perhaps, but standing and today is a grim reminder of Israel’s punishment. Perhaps we are waiting the final fulfillment of this prophecy -- the fact remains that nothing remains of the Temple and if it is the Temple that is called the Holy Place, then we need to know where it is. Some believe the Temple must be rebuilt?
Historical note: Titus Caesar order everything torn down (70 AD) and ground to dust except for the west wall and three massive towers to serve a garrison for soldiers left there to proclaim the victory of Caesar (see previous note). This information can be found in, "Josephus War of the Jew". A second rebellion in 138 AD led to the complete leveling of all of Jerusalem, completed in 140 AD.
(Mat 24:3) As YaHshua was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?"
Comment: Imagine, if you will, Yahshua, having left the Temple grounds, is now sitting somewhere on the Mount of Olives, across from the Temple Mount, perhaps a 30 to 45 minute walk from the one site to the other, and it is here, from this view, across the Kidron valley seeing the Temple, proudly exposed in all of its glory, that His disciples want to know more, wanted to know how it could ever be possible that this grand work could ever be destroyed and when? It is from this Mountain of Olives. This is the very mountain He ascended into Heaven from and the very mountain He will return to (Must reads: John 6:62, Acts 1:11-12 and Zechariah 14:3-4). Looking across the valley of Kidron, to a full view of the Temple, the walls, gleaming bright white and gold in the sun light, and they ask, the question everyone is still asking, When? And, What will be the Sign of Your coming?
(Mat 24:4) YaHshua answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you.
(Mat 24:5) For many will come in My Name, claiming, 'I am the Christ, ' and will deceive many.
Comment: What a warning, wow! “Many will come in My Name” -- and do we see that today? Not really, not quite yet -- 2010. But a return to His Birth Name is happening, as never before, we see it on the internet, as more and more prophets, pastors, bible teachers and Evangelicals of every stripe, using, mixing various understanding about His Birth Name -- exposing, with on purpose or out of their ignorance the name JESUS is a false, made-up name. But for the majority of professing believers it is this name they call on, JESUS, the other name they accept while rejecting His Holy Name (Another name they accept -- John 5:43), that is, His Birth Name YaHshua. They did see it in their day, "many coming in His Name, and deceive many” -- false prophets, teaching in His Name, a Name given Him by His Father, our Father (John 17:12). History shows us that His Name was abandoned soon after the last disciple died.It is worth, I believe, going into this in a little more detail, if for no other reason than it is a Prophetic warning, or alert, straight from our Savior, YaHshua. And it is all about His Name -- something that in the first century would have received a shrug or nodding, not ever realizing that His Name, the Name they were all baptized into would disappear or be changed. The prophetic nature of these words is the lose of His Holy Name down through the centuries, being replaced with a completely different name and He seeing this happening, knowing it was to happen but then saying what He said -- His name lost and then found in a fulfillment of His Word -- how else could this happen unless His Name was lost and then, in the end days, restored? For this reason we will dig into this revealing word from His mouth to your ears.The First century Church (Ecclesia - Ekklesia) seemed to disappear (Rev 12:16-17), virtually swallowed up, disappearing into the earth, it would seem, only to reappear in the third and fourth centuries as something else, a Church of the Roman Empire, under the tutelage of Roman Emperor Constantine, making the Christian Church, or what was to be called the Christian Church, the State religion of the Empire. Technically, Emperor Constantine is the founder of Modern Christianity, from Constantinople, to Rome Catholic, to Protestants to Evangelical, and on to various cults -- all connected in their worship in the other name, Jesus -- Geezus, Hezeus, Isus -- avoiding His Birth Name, YaHshua.
Today, however, the revealed birth name of our Savior is becoming evermore present. As knowledge increases and the errors of past scholars these last few centuries, knowingly and unknowingly, is uncovered, the knowledge of His real Identity and that of the Father is growing. Even in times past you can find reverence to the Holy Name of God, the God of Israel mention in other writings, some ancient, but never in the modern scriptures -- like a secret well kept. We are seeing, however, an ever growing number of private works restoring His Holy Name, as this knowledge spreads.
The Biblical scholars and translators joined with the Jewish scholars in following a "custom of men" in regards to the Holy Identity of our Savior and Creator. They purposely used the method of substitution when it came to the use of the Holy Name of our Creator and Savior. The term “lord” being the favored word substituted for the Heavenly Name of the God of Israel, the God of the Holy Bible -- when you see the term, or title, LORD, in small capital letters in your Bible be alert to the fact that this is the translator's own admission to replacing His Holy Name with another name, in this case a title, they have turned into a name. So, when you read or see, LORD, in small caps realize that is the replacement for YHWH, YaHWeH.This method, however, was not followed in the New Testament writings. No, in those writings, the Name of our Lord's Birth Name was literally changed to another, different name. In the English a name that never, ever existed until around 400 years ago.
The prophetic sense of verse 5 is that many will again begin to use His true Identity, restoring His Birth Name to their readings. He does not say they will call Him by another Name but by His Name and His Name is YaHshua, not Jesus. We see this slow progression toward this truth in many Christian teachers using the name, Yeshua. But this, still, is not His Name -- Yeshua means salvation, while YaHshua means YaH's salvation or Savior -- as opposed to the bogus, Jesus, pronounced by some as Hezeus, or Heysous. With this knowledge we must take care we are not deceived by someone because they use His true identity, for "many will come acknowledging this truth and deceive many". Once again, our standard, our guide for determining the truth is the Scriptures, our only protection against these false teachers -- stay tight in His word, the word already delivered and taught by Him and His disciples (Our Savior's request: John 17:20).In Acts 12:4 it says: "...there is no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved." There is salvation in only one name and eventually everyone will be given the chance to accept or reject that Name. Believe me, the knowledge of His true Identity is a relevant truth for those called but it is not the deciding factor. A false teacher can have this knowledge and be using it to deceive those coming to this truth for the first time -- these words of warning from our Savior, YaHshua, about false teachers apply to those with this knowledge just as it does to those who reject this truth, perhaps even more so. In another place our Savior gave this very same warning --
(Mat 7:22-23) Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name? and in Your Name have cast out devils? and in Your Name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity.
Notice how complete this warning is -- and it is all about HIS NAME. First He mentions those who would call on Him as Lord, and then He mentions those who would claim to do wonderful works, specifically in His Name. He knows the hearts, the spirits of those who make these claims. For this reason, we too, must be on our guard against all types of deception.
Just because someone has this knowledge does not mean they are honest and to be trusted, after all, even the Devils have this knowledge, and they too believe -- (James 2:19) You believe that there is one God (Father); you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
When you read the book of Revelation, those things concerning the Beast and the False Prophet, you can see that it is truly a battle of names (Rev 13:17, 13:6-8; 14:1, 14:11; 7:3; 9:4). Make no mistake, it is a battle over names -- whose name you will confess (accept or reject) -- the one name for the Beast will be that of a man, a number or the sum of a number, while the other Name will be that of our Savior, our Creator and His Holy Spirit -- YaHshua, not the false name, Jesus (the zeus). Whose name will you confess?The Second Beast of Revelation Chapter 13, will be given great power. This Second Beast has the appearance of a Lamb, like the Messiah/Christ, but this Second Beast will speak like a Dragon -- Rev 12:9, identifies the Dragon as Satan. and anyone not accepting the Name of the First Beast will not be able to buy or sell -- in other words, you will not be able to earn a living unless you take on the name, the number of his name or the sum of his name, the name of the First Beast and it will not matter if you are a believer or a non-believer -- no mark, no job, no buying and no selling and no support of any kind -- think about it. Eventually the Second Beast, this Lamb Beast, somehow gains even more power and is able to pass the death penalty on to anyone refusing the Mark or the sign or the seal of the First Beast. Read all of Revelation 13 and do not laugh it off. We have seen this pattern, historically, before, it may sound strange, but the Roman Catholic Church, during the Dark Ages, had such power, and after them the German Nation did too -- some elements were missing but the fact remains, people were put to death for being something other than what the power in charge wanted or for refusing to go along with the evil or refusing to confess the Christ the Church said everyone must confess or die. It is all a matter of history. Can it happen again? According to the Book of Revealing, it can, and it will, only this time it will be more than just a single nation. Imagine if the Roman Church had united with the Nazi power of Germany what the outcome might have been. Hitler a human Beast, and the Pope, with the appearance of a powerful Lamb, able to call death to masses of people, as they once did, and not that long ago, in an historical context.You need this knowledge if you are to endure the coming "time of trouble" -- a time that is still in the Future. Some will reject His true Name for another, different name, a name like that of the Beast, or the number of his name (Rev 13:16-18), taking on the Seal or Mark of the Beast. Others, a few others, will reject the Beast seal and these will receive the "Seal" of our Heavenly Father's Name. The Beast Mark, which is his Name, or the Mark of the Living God and Father, which is His Name -- you choose. in these terrible days still to come, His Name will be of the greatest importance for all who are living in those times (Rev 7:3, 9:4). You need the "seal" of His Name while rejecting the "mark" of the beast and his name, otherwise, you too will have to suffer the Wrath of the Father.
We have yet to see "many" preaching this truth, or preaching in His Name, but it is becoming more and more prevalent everyday as many begin to see the name “Jesus” is a bogus name and does not belong to our Savior, a name dreamed up, a name that is really hard to pin to any past language in a clear connection -- contrary to what some try to suppose, the name JESUS, is not backward transposable, to Greek, period! But, and this is big -- the name Geezus, is pronounced as HeyZeus, by a large population of the earth. The Fact Remains, His Name Was Replaced.
Sooner or later those of us that make a habit of studying the Scriptures will have put enough pressure on the false teachers and those living in this error to finally abandon this “other Christ” and attempt to reconcile the false name “Jesus” with the true Name of Our Savior, YaHshua -- the English transliteration, to be sure, and it may appear differently in other languages but the sound, when spoken will be the same of not, very similar, but the name JESUS is nowhere even close, it is a completely different name.In this day we many more teachers using the birth name of our Savior along side of the false name attempting to blend the two. We are seeing this, just as the first century Church saw it, but in "reverse", there is a pattern of deceit. Another thing you should watch for, in association with this knew knowledge, is found in a warning we read in Revelation 3:9 -- "...you have little strength but you have not denied My Name." Along with not denying His Name there are those who claim to be Jews and are not, they obviously will have knowledge of our Savior's true Identity, certainly if they are going to make such claims. We see this in Replacement Theology and we also see it in the Hebrew Roots Movement, as well as the British Israel proponents. Most of these groups work toward restoring the Old covenant, and in doing this they are claiming, in effect, that they are Jews -- be forewarned -- they are ever learning and gaining knowledge -- 2 Tim 3:7 -- but never able to come to the Truth. They are few in number but growing -- looking at the internet you would think those ever learning people and organizations are the majority, but they are not, not relative to the complete, religious populations of the Earth. The call for Christians to return to its, "Jewish Root", as they say, is a call to join with those who say they are Jews but are not -- even then, as we have read there seems to be an argument between those who are seeking their "Jewish Roots" and those who are not, but still have not denied His Name. It is not that the Jewish roots people, like the British Israel doctrine and the Hebrew Roots and Sacred Names Movements do not know His Name, they do. No, it is something else.What these groups have in common is their attempt at restoring the Old Covenant -- with them it is not a disagreement over His Birth Name. Pressure coming from such groups there are those who have Not Denied His Name but still have not joined with those trying to live like Jews by restoring the Old Covenant, and by taking on an identity that is not theirs to take. We see this happening in these days as never before -- part of the fulfillment in restoring His Birth Name and helping to bring about the last part of those Prophetic Words of our Messiah, YaHshua -- "...many will come in My Name and deceive many". What might be one of the deceptions? Perhaps, their work in a vain attempt to restore the Old Covenant, and making claims like we find revealed in Revelation 3:9 -- "... who say they are Jews but are not."No one is preparing for the opening of the 6th seal, the coming of the "great quake", the signs in the Heavens -- more on that later, as we continue with what our Lord YaHshua has to tell us about Earth's journey toward His literal return.Now, going back to the original question, actually two questions, "...what will be sign of your coming", (verse 4), followed by the question we just answered. Jumping to the SIGN of His Coming -- Revelation 6:12-17 -- The Wrath of the Lamb, and the Sign of His coming. He answers this in later reveals found in this account from Matthew, so we will save this for later, just keep it in mind as we continue through His revelation to His disciples, as they sat around Him, listening intently on the Mount of Olives. Beginning with the following verse, He clues them into a time span beyond their own years.
(Mat 24:6) You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
Comment: This is very interesting -- a warning for all ages -- notice, the disciples were asking about the “end age” (verse 3). YaHshua gives a caution -- "not to be troubled", or not to be too concerned about world events concerning "wars and rumors of wars”. Certainly these things should rate our attention but we are not to become overly concerned -- concerned, but not overly concerned. Still, each generation seems to do just that, matching up current events with ever event that happens on the surface of this earth with End Time Prophecy. There has been one group after another, in every generation, that has proclaimed the coming of our Savior in their time. Even today we witness this -- new born to prophecy connecting the dots for their generation, speculating even claiming that it is their generation that is final generation, almost a desire is to see the Wrath of to the Lamb and the Wrath of God the Father. I too, have this longing to witness Prophecy unfold and the coming of our Lord YaHshua and His angels, but this is something we are told not to pray for, His coming, yes, according to His will, but the way these end-time prophets go at it they miss how terrible a time it is truly going to be and that is something none of us should wish for.The prophecy preachers of the last generation are all dying off, not one of them is seeing their prophetic pronunciations or desires coming to pass. There are only a few of these last generation people, for these modern times still alive, proving to all that the coming of our Lord in their time was wrong. A scoffer? Me? Not about the Truth, not about the fact that He is preparing to come again, and not about the fact that He will return and set up a Kingdom centered at Jerusalem -- not about any of that, only that He is coming in this fading generation, in this generation passing who have all the prophecy teachers been teaching that He would come in their generation -- to those I am a scoffer. Disagreeing with those fading away does not make me a scoffer to anyone but them, and my pointing our their errors does make me a realist.Today, a new generation of prophecy students in various degrees of understanding are coming on to the scene making the same claims for their generation. This new generations are hashing over the same words the previous generation hashed over and all trying to call our Savior down before His Time. The Generation that thinks it is in their time that our Lord is to return need to read Revelation 3:14-18, because that is the description of the Church condition in the literal time of our Lord YaHshua's return. That is the generation that thinks it is prepared but it is not. But, before all of that, the Church throughout all of its generations, all listed as eras, one through seven, progressing to the end to His return, with each of the Seven Churches, once a collective existing during the same first era, leaves behind, as the History of the Church progresses, a bit of itself, each overlapping the other in its progress toward His return. But, we are not there yet, and here we are 1,980 to 1,987 years (give or take however you want to calculate His Birth and Resurrection) later, we read the Prophetic words of our Savior, and we certainly can testify to their accuracy up to a point -- up to the opening of the 6th Seal. Let's continue.
(Mat 24:7) Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
Comment: We can read about these things today and in every generation from the time of the Roman Empires rule down to our very own day. “Earthquakes in various places”, what kind of warning or caution is that? You see, Yahshua knew full well that we, the believers, those called to Him, would, or should understand the basic events to unfold prior to His return. This caution is there will be earthquakes and not to assume that every earthquake that comes along has anything to do with the Great Earth announcing His return. The other earthquakes we will discuss later are not to be confused with the many earthquakes happening in “various” places, as we approach the Great Quake of the 6th seal. The "great quake" will be a worldwide event, not quakes in diverse place but in one place, the whole of earth, shaken, perhaps even tipped, rolling from side to side like a drunk trying to find his footing -- Isa 24:20 -- there is coming a Worldwide shaking and it is a shaking our Savior, YaHshua, eventually tells us about.
(Mat 24:8) All these are the beginning of birth pains.
Comment: Only the beginning -- of the things our Savior mentions -- actually covers 1,900 plus years, as we see, unlike his disciples sitting at his feet on the Mount of Olives the, the “end age” is not yet – these things are but the “beginning of birth pains”. The early Disciples would never have dreamed a continuation of 2,000 or more years. They thought they were living in those "end days" and not them alone -- down through the ages, generations after generation has believed this very same thing -- The Prophecy teachers of today are teaching this very thing, -- "We are the end time generation", they say. These false teachers even deceive themselves (2 Titus 3:13) by their “end time doctrines". One thing is sure, we, you and I, are living in OUR end days. How is this? You and I are not immortal and you will die sometime within the generation you were born and live, so, the "end time" is actually at the end of your life -- the next wakened moment, at the time of the resurrection will be to meet our Lord in the sky, as He returns, or to the Judgment at the end of His 1,000 rule from Jerusalem.
But this is not the teachings of the false teachers, no they, like those before them, think to know the mind of God and without reservation use the words of our Savior to prove we live in the “End Times”, even though our Savior says plainly, “All these (you know, the things He just mentioned) are the beginning of birth pains” -- not the beginning of the pregnancy, but of the “birth”. Very few babies are born at the first sign of birth pain – ask any mother about the process of birthing -- and you may get a better understanding of what our Savior was saying. Remember, news reports about the Earth has always been bad -- world news, from the beginning has always been filled with elements of war, and world disturbances of all sorts, just like today. Look at this last generations disturbances WWII, the Korean war, Vietnam, on and on, not to mention the earthquakes in different places, countless lives lost. Still, there is something greater coming, something literally Earth Shaking, on the horizon, but on our Lord's time line that is still, not yet.
(Mat 24:9) Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me.
Comment: You can actually go back in history and see where the first followers of YaHshua (remember, the name “Jesus” did not come into being until 1600 years later) were persecuted for staying loyal to YaHshua as Savior. Later a false church rose up, a state approved church (church of the government?), and this Church began its on brand of “Christian” persecution, and not only Christians of the Word, but the Jews too. In Satan’s hunt to annihilate the Jews many a true Christian (follower of YaHshua) has been caught up in the same satanic snare, and the reverse is true also, when the Christian follower of the Messiah, YaHshua, is persecuted so is the Jew. I think, however, the Messiah is saying something even bigger, encompassing an even greater area of the earth than that of the Roman Empire -- this can be seen in His statement, “…hated by all nations, because of Me”. Certainly we can see, historically, the trials the believers of the Word have endured but “all nations”? Remember, YaHshua’s disciples are asking about the “end of the age”.
(Mat 24:10) At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,
Comment: Something is going to happen that will cause many to fall away. It has happened in the past when the people YaHshua have been distressed. Many a professing Christian has stumbled under the stain of physical assault. Here we see, what I believe to be the "great falling away" (2 Th 2:3). The sense of this statement is troubling, indeed, to think of brothers and sister in the faith actually hating each other and betraying one another. What condition will we find the world in causing such betrayal? Doesn’t this suggest a kind of outing by your friend and family? We have seen this happen on and off again and again throughout world history. This history, we are living in, witness a falling away from the Christian religion. The children of many Christian families choosing other types of religion, abandoning the Bible, the Word of God in favor of a more intellectual avenue pushed forward by the false science prophets, while others leave the church or integrated the church with Eastern religious practice. There is a time coming when this will be even more apparent. When the Second Beast steps onto the historical scene and causes many to be put to death -- all those who will not take on the name of the Beast - Rev 13. It will be a battle over Names -- accept the Name of the Beast or the Name of our Lord YaHshua.
(Mat 24:11) and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.
Comment: this, of course has been going on from the beginning, but it really fits here. As those turning away from the true faith in YaHshua and begin exposing these true followers, even family and one time friends, to the authorities. They will need a replacement belief to replace what they have abandoned – they will be ripe for exploitation by the many false prophets, the Wolves, then and now.
(Mat 24:12-13) Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.
Comment: As the days of Noah, so goes the saying, so we will see it in the end age. How else can you explain the many traitors of the faith? I am also of the opinion that this “love” is the “love” professing Christians have or are supposed to have. Notice, it is the increase in wickedness that the “love” grows cold. As the climate of the world becomes ever more wicked and violent the pressure on the follower of the Messiah will increase. As the world continues to become more wicked it would only be natural for their love to be cold. Our concern and love for our Savior and our Heavenly father must be unwavering and our love to “mankind” must be maintained if for no other reason than men are made in the image of the Creator Himself, and He so loved the world He sacrificed Himself for it. He wants everyone to be saved and knowing this we too need to be respecters of His feelings as His Children toward those who are blind, even toward those who would have us destroyed for not going along for the good (as they see it), for the good of all, and take on the name of the Beast, as opposed to His Holy Birth Name. You can hate the evil and the wickedness but pray for those caught up in the wickedness of the world -- as our Lord said while He hung on the Cross, "Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing..." . We pray for them, even as they kill us, or those of our brothers and sister that come after us.
(Mat 24:14) And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Comment: There is a parallel found in Mark’s writings really making this statement stand out in a meaning few have recognized. Looking at Mark 13:10 we find this additional statement, “...must be published in all the world”. Putting the two together, as many fail to do, and you have a statement that the Gospel must be “preached” and “published” in all the world. This preaching of the message of salvation has been preached in all the world, no denying that, but published? Even Paul suggested to the Colossians the gospel had been preached to every creature under heaven (Colossians 1:23). And yes I know this word for “published” in Mark could also be interchange for the word “preached” and isn’t it interesting that the subject of “preaching and publishing” of the word are the same? The publishing of the Word in all the world has only recently occurred. China was the last hold out and today, in our time the Gospel message, the very Word of God is being literally published in China. Just a few years ago if you had suggested such a thing would happen so quickly you would have been laughed at. I personally believe the political attitude in China, allowing a certain westernizing for economic gain, came about largely to tear down this last wall against the Holy Bible and its being published in all nations. My friends, you have witnessed a prophetic happening not even noticed by the world – the Word Published in China! There is yet another concern with this “preaching” of the Gospel to the whole world and this can be found in Revelation 14:6. This might be considered the absolute final Gospel message – no one will be able to say, “Well, I never heard that before”, and this will be the final and complete fulfillment of YaHshua’s prophetic statement, concerning the Gospel and the time of The End of man's rule and the rule of Satan, who is called the God of this world -- Luke 4:6 and 2 Cor 4:4.
(Mat 24:15-16) So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Comment: This warning is a much greater event than just the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans. Please notice, the warning is not merely for those living in Jerusalem but to all of Judah and that basically covers the whole of modern Israel today -- let those who are in JUDEA flee to the mountains. Most of the history we get concerning the events and timing of the destruction of the Temple in and around 68 to 70 AD comes to us from the writings of Josephus (The Wars of the Jews). But, during that time there was no abomination that causes desolation, as mentioned by Daniel -- something standing in the Holy PLACE, unless, of course, the Temple itself is meant. With the crucifixion of our Savior as the final blood sacrifice and His ascension back to Heaven, would then, the Temple and the continuing of animal blood sacrificing be considered the abomination that would cause the coming desolation? The Holy Place does not have to mean the Temple, but the ground, the PLACE upon which it once stood, or stands. And something else -- at the time our Lord YaHshua, uttered these words there had already been an historical fulfillment around 168 BC - and yet, He makes a pronouncement about something that was yet to happen (more about this below) -- so, our Lord YaHshua mentions what Daniel reported, so there has to be another different abomination, one that Daniel mentions and is played out in a previous history. But YaHshua mentions the "abomination that causes desolation" as if it is yet future and something the Prophet Daniel mentioned. The "abomination" is something that has not happened yet, from that point in time, from the time He made this statement. Is it possible that Daniel may have mentioned two Abominations? Keep reading, but first, let's nail down the "abomination" of Antochus 1V Epiphanes.
Let's say right here, no one, that is no one, has this prophetic statement, by our Savior YaHshua, screwed down. Our Savior gives us a source, Daniel, and some of what Daniel says is plain and easy to understand as a prophetic piece of history, but some of the remarks by Daniel concerning the "abomination of (or that causes) desolation" is not so easily understood. We know from the Messiah's warning it is a specific event that He is thinking about -- Daniel and the abomination seemed to find its historical (past) fulfillment with the invasion of Jerusalem by Antiochus IV Epiphanes -- whose real name was Mithridates.
"He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. His original name was Mithradates; he assumed the name Antiochus after he ascended the throne". See Wikipedia --Antiochus IV Epiphanes -- Mithradates means, "given by Mithra". Mithra, the angel of covenant and the divinity of light. His name was change to -- Antíochos ho Epiphanḗs, "God Manifest"
If he is seen as a forerunner for the one who will bring about the final fulfillment of this abomination that causes desolation, then it is important to realize that changing Names may be a characteristic of the coming Beast or Antichrist. Look at the Popes of Rome, when they are elected to the seat of their power, they too change their names. Don't forget our Savior's follow-up remark, "let the reader understand". We know from Daniel there is an example of an abomination taking place concerning Antiochus Epiphanies but this took place around 168 BC so our Savior obviously knew all about this event "spoken of by Daniel the prophet" , and that this event seemed to have already occurred. A fulfilling of historical, prophetic words written centuries before it happened and becoming reality with Antiochus IV setting up an idol and slaughtering a pig on the alter -- seems to fit. So, what is our Savior, referring to? It can't be the same event, an abomination by Antiochus (Mithradites), setting up an Idol in the restored Temple, sacrificing pigs blood on the Jewish altar? Certainly, during Daniel's time that had not happened yet and was a prophecy for the future. Certainly our Lord YaHshua would not have forgotten about the fulfillment by Aniochus? What, then, was our Savior YaHshua talking about? It had to be something that was still in the future. And what was still future? What happened that seemed to mimic what Antiochus did? We are left with the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in 68-70 AD under the Roman command of Titus.Is this what Daniel spoke of, is this the event our Savior was telling us about? Consider, Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11 -- the problem is that Titus never set up any image, in fact, the destruction of the Temple was something Titus tried to stop, but, according to Josephus, the troops ran wild. The destruction of the Temple brought about a forced end to blood sacrificing on the altar of YaHWeH -- something that should have stopped with the institution of the New Covenant by the blood sacrifice of the Son of God, YaHshua. In many ways, this continuing of the Sacrificial system, would be an abomination, the utmost disrespect toward the Sacrifice our Lord and Savior, YaHshua made for us. Had the Jews, accept this One Sacrifice, if it were possible, then everything would be different, but by continuing this practice and by refusing the New Covenant offer, is it possible that this became the abomination? Is it possible, then, that our Heavenly Father put an end to it Himself, using the enforcer of world peace, the Roman Empire to destroy a Temple House, He, YaHWeH would not longer honor? It that is the case, then the abomination that causes desolation, would be something to do with a, possible, rebuilding of the Temple -- certainly that would be a true affront and insult to the original offering from our Heavenly Father and the willing sacrifice or His Son for us -- the rebuilding of the Temple or the attempt to rebuild or the placing of an Altar for animal sacrificing would be an abdominal thing. The connection between what has happened in the past and the words of Daniel, which our Lord and Savior, YaHshua, repeats seems to be clear. What an rejection, what an insult -- the historical/biblical example for the destrucitons of the Temples are lessons not learned and ends with a full on rejection of the One that could forgive sin, once and for all. But, then, their blindness is a benefit to those not counted as Israel, but from the other nations, from among the Gentiles -- Hallelujah.But wait, YaHshua started this prophetic outline off with the Destruction of the Temple. There is always something. We need to examine this all the more. The Holy Place does not have to be the Temple at all, it could be just the ground or the hill top, or even Jerusalem the City -- after all, it is Jerusalem that He has claimed for Himself -- a City He saved from its own blood -- Ezekiel 16:8 -- Mount Zion is His, the City of Jerusalem (YaHshualom), it may not be the lost Temple Mount at all. No matter, it is wherever He says it is. This deserves more discussion and seems to be a very important point our Savior is revealing. As you will see, in His continuing, prophetic remarks about things that have not happened, at least in totality, yet.There seems to be a plurality in Daniel's "abominations" -- Daniel 9:27 and 11: 31, appear to fit what took place during Antiochus purge of the Jewish religious order and Temple. We see the "abomination" but where is the "destruction"? Then, again in Daniel, this time in Chapter 12, we come to another "abomination". This abomination marks a time when the power of the Holy People will be broken, when things are complete, and the context rushing forward with Daniel closing up the Prophecy for the Time of the End.
Some of this you will have to decide for yourself. To me it seems to make sense that our Savior, Yahshua, is talking about a time further in the future, more into our time and beyond, when the full context is considered. Still, 68 AD-70 AD the daily sacrificing was brought to an end, and certainly, any power Israel/Judah possess, at that time, was broken and for nearly 1,900 years the State or Nation of Israel seemed nonexistent. Yet, here we are, the Nation of Israel, again, in the land. Perhaps we are looking at a repeat. Let's read what Daniel has to say about this --
(Dan 12:6-7) One of them said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?" The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by Him who lives forever, saying, "It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed."(Dan 12:8) I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?"(Dan 12:9-10) He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.(Dan 12:11-13) From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance. (the Resurrection)
It is from these verses that many end-time teachers think the Temple is to be rebuilt and the reason for this is the mention of the 1290 days -- there is no way you can fit that length of time into a period coming off the destruction of the Temple by the Romans under Titus. And, from the context of the last verse, it would appear this timing or 1290 and 1335 days is closer to or tied to the Resurrection -- of course, it does not specifically say that the "end of days" is further down the road of a prophetic history, something yet to be fulfilled, but why mention Daniel's "rest' and "rise" in nearly the same breath, if that is not the meaning?The 1290 days, even figured at a day for a year principle -- 2 Peter 3:8 & Psalms 90:4 -- does not measure up to setting the time for the "end time". These days must then, be projected into a future timing, a timing that would occur after the rebuilding of a Temple, otherwise how could a time of Sacrificing be stopped (verse 11)? After all, there is no Temple there now, I think we can all agre. Notice verses 9-10, Daniel is told that these 'words are sealed up until the end time'. So, what if we are not in the "end time", as many are saying? Then the words are still "sealed up", right? Now take a critical look as verse 11-10, and we see something else, we see that many are made spotless at this time, but see what it says next, "the wicked will continue to be wicked"? Does this sound like entering into the Kingdom? It sounds more like a continuation of time, not an end. If you read, again, those verses, you can see that there is a possible time passing between the time the Temple Sacrificing is ceased (79 AD) and the time or duration that many are made pure (verse 10). This would also fit nicely with the Patience of our Heavenly Father -- 2 Peter 3:9 -- He is long suffering wanting to allow as much time as possible for as many as possible to answer the calling to His Son and the promise of Salvation, through and by Him. This, in my opinion, is a real possibility and not the first time that centuries upon centuries are crunched down into but a few verse. We also have an end days tie in with the Book of Revelation. In the Book of Revelation we find this 1290 number as well -- Rev 11:3; 12:6 -- from the context, however, these two references are the same in number only, each pointing to a different time. Then in Daniel 12:12 we have another number, 1335, and whoever reaches that time is blessed. No one has a clear idea about these numbers. Certainly we can determine that the 1290 days is representative of 3.5 years, giving us a time period the Two End Time Witnesses will be conducting their ministry. But it has nothing to do with the 1290 days in Daniel unless, of course, Daniel is projecting thousands of years into the future and is ending with the resurrection of the Two Witness, at which time Daniel, too, will be resurrected (ending verse 13).Look, we know our Savior put an end to the daily Sacrifice by His personal sacrifice and then forced a complete cessation of the daily sacrificing around 68-70 AD, then the Temple was completely destroyed and then around 138- 140AD all of Jerusalem was flattened and animal blood sacrificing has not resumed since. This should have been a major clue for the Jewish people but it seems it went right over their heads -- but then, their curse is our blessing, as mentioned before -- Jeremyah 24:9; Ezek 39:23-24; Mat 23:35-36 and Romans Chapter 11. What this means for the Jews, for all Israelis, is that they have no forgiveness for sin, but their fall has been our (Gentiles) gain.It was their sacrificial system through which they receive forgiveness for sin, through the blood of animals sacrificed, they could be forgiven, but this had to happen each year, as a united people, and on a continuing, individual basis, as well -- but this path to the forgiveness of sin was brought to and end by our Savior, YaHshua. He went to the the Cross, once and for all -- Hebrews 9:26. We then see the historical rejection of their promised Savior and in this rejection they continued a system determined to end. Because of their rejection, it became necessary to put a stop to this system. It is not the first time that a Gentile power had been used as a Servant in dealing with a rebellious people. In fact, Nebuchadnezzar - Jer25:9 - was called His servant. By this same authority the power was given to Rome through Titus in 70 AD, tearing, literally, the Temple sacrificial system apart.The Jewish leadership know all of this, and still, in rejection of His Son YaHshua, plan for a time to rebuild this Temple. None of this is something that was done in secret and it is openly rejected. The History is a matter of record, it has been preached and taught and recorded for all to see, but the Israelis continue in their stubbornness. Is it possible that the rebuilding of a Temple will be the act YaHshua is referring to -- the Abomination that causes desolation? The desolation to come? This is another view and something we should consider.Our Savior's statement in Matthew 24:15, and the subject of this lengthy comment, mentions the "holy place" but there is no mention of a Temple, it is only an asumption that the "place" is the Temple, when the "place" is where the Temple used to be, the ground on which it stood. And guess what? No one seems to know exactly where that place, or spot is. Lots of choices and theories but no real evidence. There are some really good arguments favoring on spot or another but none that are more than a theory -- it is that complete and exact the Romans were in its destruction.Let's understand, for example, that the Temple YaHshua was talking about and His disciples were looking at and marveling over, was the very Temple that YaHshua said was schduled for a future destruction and that happened within the life time of most of His Apostles. So, why wouldn't He mention the Temple being rebuilt if it were to be the place the Abomination was to be standing? On the one hand YaHshua tells His disciples that not one stone would rest on another, then later He says that when you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in (on?) the Holy Place. It is only assumed He is talking about a Temple. He had just told His disciples the Temple would be destroyed, right? But is completely silent about it being rebuilt? He mentions Daniel about the "holy place", but this could be Mount Moriah itself -- the Place is mentioned, not a building or Temple, necessarily. It is this kind of question that has convinced me that the Temple does not neet to be rebuilt.What about the 1290 days, the 1335 Days? There are certainly a lot of opinions and a lot of differing views taught as fact, but, at this point I'm not sure exactly how these days are to fit in -- if taken as actual days of time then certainly these numbers point to a time in the future and remain to be seen. I admit I am not wise enough to sort all of this out but one thing is certain, when the event of the Great Quake hits this earth we will all begin to see things and understand things we can only guess at right now (Rev 6:12-17). Perhaps that will be when the Seal is removed from Daniel's prophetic message and that closed portion of the Book will be opened -- sealed up until the time of the end -- that is what it say, doesn't it (Dan 12:9-10)?
The "abomination that causes desolation" is seen standing in the "holy place", as YaHshua says, it is then the Jews, or anyone in Jerusalem, and all of JUDAH are told to escape into the "mountains". Run for the hills, get out of there, leave, flee. YaHshua's warning and command is urgent and is a perpetual warning -- He doesn't know the time, the angels don't know, we don't know the time, Satan doesn't know the time, only our Father in Heaven (Mat 24:36, "...but that day and hour knows no man ...") and we have not yet seen the "abomination that causes desolation", according to YaHshua, at least in complete fulfillment. Whatever this abomination is it triggers and event of destruction. And as noted, this abomination does not have to be standing in a rebuilt Temple but only something on the temple mountain itself, make it very possible that a man made, rebuilt Temple, could be, as previously mentioned, the abomination -- and attempt to restore something our Heavenly Father and our Savior, YaHshua, had put and end to. If we are to understand what the Temple is today all we need do is to read and believe what we are told from the New Testament record -- 1 Cor 3:16-17 -- all those with the Spirit of The Living God, with the Spirit of the Father and YaHshua are the Temple -- the present Temple is the living Body of those who belong to them. To seek building a Temple made by the hands of men would be opposed to this Temple built by His Spirit. ***The Prophecy concerning this abomination that is standing in the Holy Place -- the in could be translated on -- this abomination could be something that is sitting or standing on Mount Moriah, such as a building. Even the wording, by translation from one language to another can change what is really meant. We should allow for this and be open to a fulfillment from either view. The word, abomination, for example, is defined as someting "filthy" or truly "disgusting", but we need to remember, this description is what it is to Him. It should be to us as well, but the view may not be so clear to us to mankind, but is to Him -- it is something He sees as disgusting, filthy, a true abomination.Because it has not happened yet we are all guessing. Yes, Antiochus seems to be a type, but not quite -- certainly the spilling of the blood of an unclean animal on the alter would be a filthy thing to do and an abdominal act. Still, our Lord mentions another time and it is tempting to say that another Antiochus, one of his type is coming, someone just like him, and this is what many prophecy teachers teach, that there is another Antiochus coming, that man of sin -- 2 Thes 2:3-4 -- and will set up an idol in the newly rebuilt Temple, sit in the Temple and call himself God. Such a scenario could be possible but has anyone consider the possibility that it could be the newly rebuilt Temple itself that is the "abomination"-- the Temple abomination, the thing standing in the Holy Place? This meaning is only a suggestion but still, isn't Mount Moriah the Holy Place? Just asking ,or, Just saying this should be considered. This, of course would not be a popular idea, but from a Christian point of view this should be something to consider and not to be counted out. Remember, prophecy witnessed is prophecy proven and we have yet to witness the fully fulfilled events to take place before our Lord YaHshua's return.What is this “abomination that causes desolation standing in the Holy place”? I am not sure, but, if I were to guess I would say it is the “False Prophet”, the one that stands in the place of the True God, the one speaking mighty things against the Creator and our Savior YaHshua, perhaps in the assumption they are speaking for the God of Heaven but instead speak for the “god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4). This same individual will be able to perform miracles, calling fire from the sky (Rev 13:13), causing the betrayal of the true followers of YaHshua, causing small and great to worship the Beast system, and the Beast himself. That would be my guess. When you see this Destroyer standing in the Holy Place those in Judah should head for the hills because something is about to happen on a grand scale. Keep in mind, for this to happen the Temple does not have to be rebuilt -- not if we go strickly by the language . The Holy Place is still there, the spot of the Holy of Holies is still there – the building is gone and because no one seems to be able to pin down its location, we can specualte as to where the PLACE is and it would be a PLACE in plain view, looking across from the Mount of Olives, minus a Temple, the PLACE would still be Holy Ground. A great religious leader of world renown could take the steps leading to the Holy Mountain where the Temple once stood and make his way to the location or near location of where the Holy of Holies would be and then erecting somthing, like a Cross or an Obelisk and this abomination might be what will cause much destruction -- an open rebellion and attach on Israel by the surrounding Muslim nations. Just think about it – I’m only guessing, of course. There is, of course, the possibility, as in BC 168, an idol will be set up or a filthy out pourin of blood -- maybe the blood of Christians and Jews on this Holy Mount? Something is going to happen, on that all are in agreement.One more thought. The warning is -- when you see the abomination standing in or on the Holy Place, all of Judah is told to flee into the Mountains. Mountains, in Old Testament prophetic language is often a reference to nations. Mountains are large nation while Hills are smaller nations. If we consider this, then what is Modern Israel, or Judah being told? To flee into the stronger nations. Why? For protection, if this is the meaning, for protection from whatever the Abomination or act is, as it must be something that puts the Jews, the people of Israel in danger. We can speculate about these things so that when we witness the actual fulfillment we will not be surprised and will know what to do and when to do it -- at the very least, we, believers, will not be surprised -- 1 Thes 5:4.
What About The Dome of the Rock?
There are some that believe this object is the Dome of the Rock? But that cannot be correct, because the Muslim Dome (Al-Aqsa Mosque), has been on top of Mount Moriah since 691 AD -- that does not sound like what our Savior is telling His Disciples for the simple reason, as we will soon read, a great set of events are to take place immediately AFTER these days never matched in history. The following verses we see that the "abomination" is a sign that marks the beginning of "great distress", and it is this event also known as the Great Tribulation, that is triggered by the "abomination", which, according to this prophetic statement made by YaHshua, as still future, and as a time preceding the return of our Savior.We need His intervention or no one will be saved -- no one will survive. A time, or an event preceding the signs to come, one of which is a Great Worldwide Quake, or Shaking that is to come -- events beyond the control of man or Beast -- we are approaching the Wrath of the Lamb, previously mentioned (again, Rev 6:12-17). Contunue reading and this will become clear.
(Mat 24:17) Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house.
(Mat 24:18) Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.
(Mat 24:19) How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!
(Mat 24:20) Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath.
(Mat 24:21) For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-- and never to be equaled again. NIV (KJV has, great Tribulation)
Comment: This cannot be the time that the Temple was purged in 68-70AD for the simple reason that that time was not a time that could never be equaled again. This cannot be the time that the Temple was purged in 68-70AD, for the simple reason that that time was not a time that could ever be equaled again and we know this because we have had 1900 years of examples in human suffering that would match or even surpass what Jerusalem and the people of the Temple suffered at the hands of the Romans. Just look at what the Germans did in WWII, 6 million Jews, and another 6 million Christians and others for a total of 12 million murdered in the Nazi purge, not counting the 50 million who died in this war. Nothing on that scale has ever happened before, to a single people. The smaller scale of the Roman purge against the Jews, pales by example, to this single, collection of people. While the purging of the Jewish people, down through the centuries, has been atrocious, there have been others who have paid with their lives in greater numbers. For example, Stalin and the Lenin Communists killed millions of their own people and the Communist Chinese are credited with killing over 20 million of their own in eliminating all opposition to their rule. Those numbers are hard to beat or imagine. And this is not taking in to consideration all of the religious wars, all fought in the names of various gods and goddesses.Many bible teachers during those years, 1939-45, labeled Mussolini and Hitler as the two horns of the Beast government and the Pope as the False Prophet, and it all looked pretty good, but what came of it – Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War – and forgetting that Mussolini and Hitler are now long dead. Can it happen again? After WW I who would have believed WW II could be worse – WW I had been labeled the war to end all wars , that was the saying and then followed Hitler and Mussolini, another time of war that ended with the development and the use of the Atomic Bomb, and that certainly was a time never before matched or seen before.Forgive me if it seems like I am repeating things, it is my way of working out what the possibilities and maybe clearing away some of the fog, enough to see where we actually are on the time line of things to come. Perhaps seeing what is to happen, literally, before the Return of our Lord. Let's press on.
(Mat 24:22) If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
Comment: Here is another clue these prophetic statements of our Savior, as found in this verse, relates to a time in yet future. For the sake of the Elect things are going to be shortened. There seems to be a real danger here of losing the Elect and the survival of everyone, as in the days of Noah, would result if a saving intervention were not to take place. I believe this may also mean the spiritual survival not just a physical one. If things are allowed to continue at that end age even the Elect may no longer be able to withstand the on slot of evil – Satan’s assault on mankind and the unrepentant hearts of men would lead to the lose of all, just as in the Days of Noah. Remember, we are told that a true believer will not be taken beyond what he, or she, can endure. I know you don’t what to hear these things but hear you must. If you do not close your eyes and stuff up your ears you will be better suited in preparing yourself for the evil times ahead. You do not need to be taken by surprise for we are not disciples of darkness (1Th 5:4-5). If you understand the necessity of the coming events, unpleasant as they may be, you will not be weakened in your faith in our Savior but strengthened. But, if you are not aware and are not watching and you are caught off guard you may falter. I would liken it to hitting you thumb with a hammer and the first words out of your mouth would not be, Praise God. If, however, you were told the next strike of the hammer you would be hitting your thumb and you should praise God you did not knock your thumb completely off then your response is more likely to be, “Praise you YaH”, or, HalleluYaH – thanks for the warning.
(Mat 24:23) At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it.
(Mat 24:24) For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible.
Comment: These words should ring in your ears just look at what has happened and continues to happen as “false Christ” come and go through history. Even today we see demon filled preachers putting on shows filled with “signs” and “miracles” (1 Th 2:9, 2 Peter 2:3) . This should give a believer pause, a warning of the first order. Signs, miracles, and wonders, and stories made up are the first order the false teachers and prophets not of the true prophets or teachers of the Creator God -- this is at a time AFTER the Abomination that cause desolation (back to verse 15-16). These false prophets will APPEAR to preform Great Signs and miracles, but it is only the appearance of such thing, the reality will be different, and thus people will believe what they want to believe, not what they should believe -- we have been forewarned. No wonder Satan and those of his spirit appear as "angels of light", this is all fitting for the god of this world, Satan (2 Cor 11:13-14). Certainly this was as true then, now and in between – but even more so as we are hurled into the evil days ahead. (I personally do not believe we are in the end age. Much of what our Savior tells us is present through every age, or generation) Keep in mind this is all to be in a time that is going to be shortened. With this understanding it is plain the events spoken of do not find their final fulfillment 2000 years in the past. There is no “gap theory” either, that is one of the many false doctrines taught by the Rapture people. The 7 Seals of Revelation 6 make that plain. Each of those Seals brings us closer to our Savior’s return. Those seals are historical progressions with the final seal delivering the world into the “Wrath of the Lamb” (Rev 6:12-15).
It is with a “Great Sign” our Savior will announce His coming -- His Great Sign will be Heavenly, not some slight of hand or manmade, manufactured trick, but the literaly shaking of the heavens, the shaking of the whole world. His "sign" will be so stupendous and frightening that some will die from fright. The “signs” of the agents of Satan will be very convincing even if it were possible to deceive the “elect”. The way it is worded it seems these false prophets will not be able to deceive the elect. I’m thinking this is the case as the elect are so grounded in the Word that anyone attempting to convince the religious community “great signs” and "miracles" the elect will be able to "discern" these things as not from our Creator. By His word, the written words of God, the elect will be able to see these things for what they are – deceiving signs -- deceiving miracles. All believers should be wary of anyone coming with “signs” and “miracles” as these things are actually and “end time” warning of deception, not of the Holy Spirit as these fakers of today and tomorrow try to make out. If you are in a Church that is centered on “sign” and “miracles” then you had better take a second look. Our Savior has warned us – our Savior has warned you. Read, II Thessalonians 2:9-10 closely and you will see the use of “signs” and “miracles” is not the sign of a true man, or woman, of God, far from it. Isn’t it amazing how many ministries are built around these kinds of things when the plain words of our Messiah warns against these things. Read Matthew 12:39 and then think twice about searching for, seeking, signs. Protect yourself, take up the serious study and reading or you Savior's words.A special comment is necessary about the "elect": The elect, in this verse are those called to preserve His Holy Name and His Spirit Connection with the Father and the Father with Him. The elect will not be fooled but the deception or deceptions will be so convincing that if it were possible even the elect could be deceived. What this saying, from the mouth of our Savior, is a reveal that the Evangelical Rapture Doctrine is one of those deceptions. And how is this determined? Simple, the timing our Savior places His ELECT is during the time of the False Prophet's Deceptions. This means that the called are not Raptured to Heaven but are on this Earth, in the midst of everything that is happening, or is to happen. This verse alone should prove the error of the Rapture Doctrine and its difference from the basic doctrine about the Ressurrection [Hebrews 6:1-2 -- "...very elect" - the primary chosen or chosen ones -- those called -- Romans 1:7 & 1 Thes 1:4]Now, back to His Prophetic words, His REVEALS, delivered to His Apostles and by and through them, to us -- John 17:20]
(Mat 24:25) See, I have told you ahead of time.
Comment: This is a chilling statement. Our Messiah, YaHshua, has warned us “ahead of time”. We have been warned – given a heads up, so to speak – are we listening? I hope so but what I see in the Evangelical community is not good it is down right scary. The deceivers have infiltrated the Evangelical community and in their own minds are deceiving and deceiving even themselves. Their teachers and prophets and healers all working in FICTION. They use the Word and the Inspired Words to support things they have dreamed up. Some is very convincing but fake, fraudulent and can be proven to be deception upon deception by the STUDY of your own BIBLE -- not to be confused by their books and teachings designed to separate people from their money, people you can least afford it, for the most part -- selling their gospel message -- selling what people, for the most part, want to hear -- 2 Tim 4:3-4 -- that's right, it is not all their fault for taking advantage of those paying them to teach what they want and by they, I mean, those calling themselves the "sheep". False prophets, false teachers, deceivers and false sheep? If you are seeking signs and wonders, you will get them, all you can take -- you sill see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. But, and this is big -- when the ultimate sign, a real sign of signs, the Sign of His Coming, it will be something beyond man, it will be heavenly, to begin with, something truly scary and causing some to experience heart failure -- Isaiah 13:6-8 -- and it will become a global event or events -- but will it be recognized for what it is -- the Sign of His coming -- The Wrath of the Lamb? The foolish signs and wonders presented by the fakers and the false teachers seeking to sell their twisted theology will become nothing by comparison. [There will be more on this revealed truth, a little later]
(Mat 24:26) So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it.
Comment: If you, as a Believer, have to be told where the Messiah is then you have missed out. This also demonstrates your ignorance toward the Word of God. The true believer, in word and deed, called of the Father to the Son, will see the Great events to strike this world for what they are, not the “end” but only the beginning culminating into something glorious – the Return of our Savior and the end of all war, well, almost. HalleluYah.
(Mat 24:27) For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Comment: I love this verse, it is so simple yet so difficult for the world to understand. For one thing lightening does not travel from east to west (as the KJV has it – the NIV, quoted here has actually tried to make sense of it, but the wrong sense). Lightening is not only seen from the east, but the west, the north and south. In reality lightening comes from above to the ground and sometimes from the ground up to the clouds this, of course is what our Savior will do, coming with the clouds to the ground. Here, however, is a better understanding and meaning of this verse. What is it that travels from east to west and is as bright as lightening and is seen by everyone the world over? The sun, of course, just as we see it move across the earth from east to west. Is it the sun that is moving? No, of course not, it is the rotation of the earth -- the sun is stationary. When we see the Savior coming He will be as a bright sun approaching the earth and the earth, all of the earth, every eye, will see him just as they see the sun appearing to move from east to west so will be the coming of our Savior and the people of earth, small and great will shake with fear and dread.
(Mat 24:28) Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather. NIV (KJV, has; "...there will be the eagles gathered)
Comment: This is a hard one, no one seems to know exactly what this means. This may not be a point to worry about but I will take a crack at it anyway. I have heard of the possible interpretation, not supported by any of the original wording, but much more suitable to the Christian mind and that is this: Wherever the Body is there the chicks will gather. This makes sense in the fact our Savior is discussing His return. Like I said, however, there is no support for this other than a Christian sense of being gathered to the Messiah. Another suggestion involves the dead bodies to result form our Savior’s deliverance of Israel and the Elect. It either means something happy, or something very sad, or both. This is a remark that is injected into the narrative and not necessarily something that has to be or needs to be debated over and over again. Either understanding is, or will be true, depending on how the two words, carcass or eagles is understood. The context for this verse, seems to me, to be tied to the previous verse and has to do with the Coming of our Lord YaHshua. If it is about His literal arrival on planet Earth or is it about the Sign of His Coming -- and according to Revelation 6:7-12, this Sign of His Coming, also called His Wrath, is the very thing our Lord YaHshua mentions next.
(Mat 24:29) Immediately after the distress of those days 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
(Mat 24:30) At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.
Comment: Immediately AFTER the distress of those days -- this is AFTER what days? The days of the abomination that causes desolation, those days, the days those in Judah are to flee, or will flee into the moutains. Now we can really get down to business. This is all about the 6th Seal of Revelation 6. Everything mentioned here is mirrored in the vision of revelation given to John. There cannot be any mistaking this. More proof that the return of our Savior is anything but secret or silent, as the Rapture teachers would have you believe. Notice, and I repeat -- it is "immediately after the distress of those days", what days? The days of "abomination that causes desolation". We will see a great persecution taking place in Israel and then the intervention of our Savior by a mighty, "great quake", that will reset the world political systems. As mention earlier, it is the Abomination that is the trigger for our God and Savior to take action, to do something to this world that only they can do, shake it, as if to destroy all of humanity. It is, however, not the plan to destroy everyone, but enough to put a stop to the every growing madness. A Time of Israel's touble --
(Jeremiah 30:3-6) For, lo, the days come, saith YaHWEH, that I will bring again the captivity of My people Israel and Judah, saith YaHWeH: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.(4) And these are the words that YaHWeH spoke concerning Israel and concerning Judah.(5) For thus saith YaHWeH; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace.(6) Ask you now, and see whether a man does travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness?
(Jeremiah 30:7) Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.How do we or can we know when this is? By the context of events. In the following context we see clearly that this RETURN of Israel (Jacob) ends with the people of YaHWeH given REST, and Quiet, and be SAVED out of It. Out of What? Out of the Abomination the Causes the coming desolation -- but notice, even through this process of deliverance, of being saved, they will have to suffer or be punished, as a Father might correct or punish their unruly child. The timing of this is still in the future. Israel, is to be delivered from the nations, again, but not without TROUBLE or Tribulation. The following reveal is tied to what our Lord and Savior tells His Disciples about what is to come.(Jer 30:10) Therefore fear you not, O My servant Jacob, saith YaHWeH; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save you from afar, and your seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid.(Jer 30:11) For I am with you, says YaHWeH, to save you: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered you, yet will I not make a full end of you: but I will correct you in measure, and will not leave you altogether unpunished.
Isaiah has something to say about this time, a time the Earth will reel, from one pole to the next, and not only will the whole Earth and everyone on it, be in time of punishment but even those in the Heavens as well as upon the Earth.
(Isa 24:19-21) The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. And it shall come to pass in that day, that YaHWeH shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
We should understand, also, that with such calamity, with such earthly disturbance other things must follow -- for every cause there is a reaction. The Gospel of Luke adds these obvious details to Matthews narrative about what our Lord YaHshua said:
Luke 21:25-26 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven (skies) shall be shaken.
Today, we would call, waves roaring, a Tsunami -- The Earth in distress, a distress all nations are to experience, so much so that heart failure will be common, men and women falling dead from fright, as they witness the Sign of His Coming.
(Mat 24:31) And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
Comment: Here we are launched into the sounding of the Trumpets and the gathering of the Elect from every corner of the earth. Imagine. But prior to this we have to deal with the 6th Seal, and the 7th Seal launching the world into the 7 Trumpet sounds and these Trumpets take us into the Resurrection. Read Revelation 10:7, when the 7th Trumpet is ABOUT to sound, “the Mystery of God is accomplished”. From here and into Revelation 11 where you see the resurrection of the Two Witnesses and, I believe, the Elect of the earth, dead and living. Then in verse 15 we see the 7th Trumpet sound and it is highlighted by the declaration of all the kingdoms becoming the Kingdoms of God punctuated with another “earthquake and a Great Hail Storm”. From here our Messiah, in His “end of age” lesson, gave His disciples a lesson in observation and this lesson is for those living toward and eventually into the “end age”.
(Mat 24:32) Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.
(Mat 24:33) Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
Comment: When we see these things, like forecasting the weather, we should know we are near, and has anyone seen these things? No, they have not because they have not occurred yet. So, why are the many Evangelical teachers speaking things with such a positive attitude, could it be they really think they are to escape the days coming? An interesting side light to this warning of observation is that modern man leaves the reading of the skies, the heavens to others. Today most have their nose so close to the ground (myself included) they seldom look up to the heavens other than to admire its beauty in a romantic mood but seldom to tell what the weather is going to be like. If not for the TV weather man people would be lost in reading the signs of the seasons. We, as a people, have lost that talent and perhaps it is a sign of modern man’s inability to read the “end age” weather signs, modern Christians inability to study and understand the scriptures for themselves. Here is an interesting point in the lesson of the "fig tree". Our Savior gives the example of a fig tree breaking from spring into summer. Revelation 6:13 also speaks of the fig tree but in this case it seems to be a reference to an untimely event. The fruit is shaken from the tree before its time.
The fig tree is seen as a symbol for Israel and apply the remarks concerning the "fig tree" to Israel and its possession of the area of land they now sit on. But look, they do not control the Temple Mount, they do not control the land mass given them by God and they keep trying to make deals with their belligerent neighbors. Perhaps this is the "fig tree" of untimely fruit? At any rate our Savior speaks of determining the times by and action not unlike watching conditions of the earth in determining the time of season we live in. the Fig tree of the 6th seal is translated by some works as and over ripe condition while others, like the KJV see it as unripe fruit. So, there you have it, your choice, before the fruit is ready or after. One thing is sure, when the fruit is shaken to the ground is it there to rot, no mention of a harvest at that point in time.
(Mat 24:34) I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
(Mat 24:35) Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
(Mat 24:36) No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Comment: This generation? Just what does that mean? Some say that He meant the generation of people He was addressing at the time, that would include the original disciples. The problem with that interpretation is that most of the original disciples never witnessed anything close to what our Lord YaHshua was describing. By 70 AD, when the Temple was destroyed, most of that generation was gone. Of course we could say that YaHshua meant that that generation meant a count-down to the very end of the last person alive -- so, maybe one or two people of that generation were still alive? See how that does not make any sense? Besides, the "abomination", according to the Bible prophecy teachers, all pretty much agree that the Beast or the False Prophet (Rev 13, 2Thes 2:3-4) are to enter a Temple -- no Temple, not "man of sin" expose. Another look at the word, "generation" and we find that it can also mean, or be translated as "people".With this translation or understanding our Savior, YaHshua, would be saying that the PEOPLE, or put another way, the Jewish people would not vanish or be destroyed as a people but would continue and be present in the end of days -- this would propel the meaning of this verse into the future, still not finished. From that time as the history of the Jewish people was being written it might have looked as if the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, no longer existed but they never ceased and reformed in a formal reconstitution in May of 1948. His word is always true even when it may have appeared that that "people" had been destroyed as a nation. If this is the meaning or what our Lord meant by, generation, then believers before us would have been looking forward to the Jewish people continuing and being reunited and existing, even among the nations, come the end days.How often are these verses quoted and then almost immediately broken? I have heard it all. Okay, we can’t know the day or the hour, but we can know the season, they say, and then begins the speculation on the day and the hour. After all, they say, He didn’t say we couldn’t know the year, only the day and the hour, right? Personally I am not against weather watching, or watching world events, looking for the season of His coming, as the Messiah, Himself, told use to learn the lesson of the “fig tree”, (Mat 24:32), just four verses earlier, right? On one hand we see when summer approaches and on the other we see and untimely shaking. Listen, my friends, when the fruit falls and hits the ground and is bruised it will rot. So, I’m seeing that warning as being observant not so much in world political events but as events out of man’s control -- beyond man's control, something that is coming on this world that is surprising and unusual, not the usual evil that seems to continue from generation to generation, but something shocking, something destructive on a worldwide scale, something out of man's control.We do not control the weather, not do we control earthquakes, the wind blows where it will and it is our Creator and only our Creator that can control the heaven and the earth as described in the 6th Seal. The natural events of the earth are controlled by its Creator so it is these events we are to look for, to watch for and then we can tell when the fruit is about to fall. Nuclear war? There will always be wars and rumors of wars and minor earth quakes in different place, but like He told us, those things must happen, but the end is not yet, not in those thing -- those things are a natural course that men run, as they run toward violence. The violent rage and riot, just as Satan and his angels raged, rioting, in rebellion against their creator, with dreams of taking over the Kingdom. They failed, and continue to fail here on Earth, but humanity has those who would do the same, and we see this kind of rebellion in every riot, and war that men engage in from decade to decade. But, what is to come from our Creator is much, much greater and worldwide in scope.
(Mat 24:37) As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
(Mat 24:38) For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
(Mat 24:39) and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Comment: “The Days of Noah” , how often have we heard those words? Verse 38 is a favorite, “they were eating and drinking, and marrying and giving in marriage”. This all sounds almost ideal but the days of Noah were anything but ideal. Violence filled the earth in those days and the wickedness of man reached to the heavens – sound familiar? Even in all of the current turmoil people are going about their business, especially here in the United States, as if nothing is happening. Fighting a war on terror, collapsing economy and what is the average citizen doing? Going to the movies, taking vacations, flying here and there, not a care, not a worry. Even the unemployed are living pretty good. Sure some of the newly unemployed have had to downsize from their 3-4000 square foot home but by and large life is really good when compared to the average citizen of Pakistan, or India, or Mexico, or South America, or just about anywhere else. Even in those impoverished nations they still are marrying and giving n marriage as if all things continue, the level of poverty or wealth does not stop this event.
Look, I’m not saying we should give up living because there are Wars and Rumors of Wars but we should be paying more attention than we are. In the times of Noah he was found to be blameless before YHWH and some have suggested this could well mean that he was the last of the line of Adam not to having crossbred with other races (Gen 7:1, some see this verse as "prefect in his generation). I’m not so sure of this as he had three sons and this would make them pure, genetically, also. The fact of the scripture is found in the Genesis 6:9, Noah, a righteous man, a man walking with the Creator and this fact is mentioned right after we see the men of God mingling with the daughters of other men, so you can see the natural connection. We see this in the world today the barrier of interracial marriage has been brought down. God originally confused the languages of men dividing the races by tongue and then by area. Men, however, enjoy doing just the opposite of what the Creator wants.
A day is coming when everyone will return to their own land, or place of origin -- ”like sheep without a shepherd”. (Isaiah 13:13-14, the timing of this verse is seen in the statement, “Wrath of YHWH”, in the day of His burning anger and the day He shakes the earth – Rev 6:12-15) This, of course, is not politically correct but still does not change what our Creator had in mind for us. As the days of Noah, not only had they become wicked in everything they did but the line of the men of God was being lost, as we see in Genesis 6, by intermarriage leading them away from the true god. Anyone knowing the story of Solomon can see this very same thing as he took to himself wives of every race and in doing so he began to cave in to their demands for religious representation in Israel. In his later years Solomon had returned Israel to a pagan worship second only to the Canaanites before them. This time of Noah is more than marrying and giving in marriage, it is a time of losing the true worship, a true gospel being lost. This makes the remark of our Savior even more pointed concerning His return, “Will He find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). In Noah’s day it was only Noah, only Noah while his three sons their families went along for the ride. So, as the days of Noah? Will He find faith when He returns? It may well be that the true follower of YaHshua may number in a few thousand (the 144,000 for sure), not the millions mentioned in today’s census.
(Mat 24:40) Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.
(Mat 24:41) Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
(Mat 24:42) Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.
Comment: The Rapturist like to quote this verse giving no heed to the lesson found in the “parable of the Weeds” (Matthew 13:24-30), “first collect the weeds and then tie them in bundles to be burned”. Those taken first, in the parable, are not the followers but the weeds, and they are thrown into the fire. This is a witness against the false Rapture teaching as they teach -- this false Rapture Doctrine is just the opposite lesson from what our Messiah, YaHshua, said. Those taken are taken to be burned up, not taken to Heaven as they suppose.
(Mat 24:43) But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.
(Mat 24:44) So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.
Comment: 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5 is the answer to this – we are not children of the darkness that this day should take us by surprise. I am afraid, however, that that may be just the case, as we have seen, few escaped in the days of Noah -- we must pray for our brothers and sisters to have courage, to be able to stand in the day of His Wrath that we might glorify His Name. Will He find faith, we should shout, yes! Look, here am I, Oh Lord, here am I.
(1Th 5:4-5) But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
Do you see? Children of the Light will not be caught off guard, they will see the developments, according to the word and know the truth about the times that are to come upon this world. He, our Savior, tells anyone that will listen to watch, to stay awake, to keep your eyes, your spiritual eyes open, to hear what He is saying and not be fooled, by the true scoffers who deny His prophetic words for their own sensitive feelings and being guided by their fear, thus insisting on hearing only smooth words, as opposed to words they should hear. Let their blood be on their own heads -- He has warned us all, and for nearly 2,000 years this warning has gone out over the whole earth. So, who is listening? Are you choosing to live in the dark or the light?
(Mat 24:45) Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?
Comment: I pray that this is food for you at the proper time. I know this is a selfish endeavor on my part but I seem driven to it.
(Mat 24:46) It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.
(Mat 24:47) I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.
(Mat 24:48) But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, 'My master is staying away a long time,'
(Mat 24:49) and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards.
(Mat 24:50) The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of.
Comment: Of course I do not want to be that servant who thinks our Savior is delaying, maybe not even coming and this may be what it means to have the patience of the saints (Rev 13:10). These verses speak for themselves and anyone attempting to teach the Word, or to care for the people within the Body of the Christ YaHshua, should take them seriously. The day of reckoning is approaching, be gentle with those you are feeding, never compromising the Word of truth and most certainly never using the Word to punish those you are supposed to encourage by the Word. There is more than one way in the art of beating the children of God and to their shame many false teachers desiring to be adored as leaders use the Word itself as a club to keep the deceived in line. Constantly being threatened not to judge, and you will be judged as you judge. These are true sayings of Scripture being misused and abused. The understanding is not given in judging, not by your words but by the Word and words of our God and our Savior, YaHshua. When you use the Word of God as your instrument of judgment it is not you that judge but the Word -- do you see? It is not for us to "condemn" but we must judge, but by the written word alone, not what we think or feel, but what His Word tells us He thinks and feels. It is by the written word we are able to defend ourselves against the deceivers, and we must make a judgment constantly concerning our belief and knowledge as opposed to the false teachers threatening us with the "judgment club" to beat the weak back into line -- judge not, they scream and rant, or you shall be judged. In other words, sit down and shut up, we will not hear it from you. This is a perfect example of how the misuse of the word is used to silence the timid, and in some cases, to drive a brother or sister from the group, by using the Judgment Club and beating anyone raising a question to death with it.
(Mat 24:51) He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Comment: Sounds like hell to me – outside of the Kingdom, do doubt. It is appropriate our Savior would end with this warning to the servants of the household, after all, He began with a warning about “deceivers” and where they are headed (Hell, really?). He has a lot to say without giving away all the details. Why else the Book of Revelation -- if Matthew told it all? Now go and read Revelation 6:12-17, about the Wrath of the Lamb, the 6th seal, and realized, at this point, the 7th Seal has not been opened yet. We are on the edge of the 6th Seal opening, which, I believe will be triggered by the Abomination that Causes Desolation. Once the 6th Seal is peeled away then Mountains will be moved out of place, as well as Islands and from this we can only imagine the horrific tsunamis that will ravage all of the coastlands. After this Great Earth Shaking event, as the dust settles and people crawl back out, those who survive, and a rebuilding begins the question will be about Repentance -- will mankind, in recovery and before the 7th Seal is peeled away, Repent? It would seem that the fore knowledge our Creator says no, man will not repent. A few, perhaps, but not the majority of survivors. In fact, some of the survivors may even curse God and all the Host of Heaven, during such a time. One day a generation of people are going to experience the opening of the 6th Seal, and that is a fact, believe it or not. His Word is always true and the opening of the 6th Seal will prove just that, for anyone willing to see it, hopefully, before hand.
(Rev 6:12-13) I watched as he opened the Sixth Seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.
(Rev 6:14) The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
(Rev 6:15) Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
(Rev 6:16) They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb!
(Rev 6:17) For the great day of Their Wrath has come, and who can stand?"
Did you catch that? Their Wrath?
This Wrath is specifically called, the Wrath of the Lamb, verse 16. But this last verse 17, says THEIR Wrath -- well, it is and it isn't, for the sake of Arguement, the Father has determined what He has determined, and He has given power and authority to YaHshua, and it is YaHshua that is the recognized Lamb. What I am getting at is that this Wrath, called the Great Quake and what follows as discribed by YaHshua, as recorded in Matthew, is the Wrath of the Lamb -- and there is another Wrath, the Wrath of God the Father -- Revleation 15:1 -- it is here we read about the 7 Last Plagues as being the Wrath of God the Father. Their Wrath: First the wrath of the Lamb -- the Great Quake and the Heavenly signs of His Coming, His return. The Second Wrath is that of God the Father -- the 7 Last Plagues to be poured out on mankind and by these last plagues it is our Heavenly Father that puts an end to the maddness called mankind. The viel will be pulled back and the hard hearts softened, as the Kingdom of God is established on Earth.
Email Questions and Comments to: dan@servantsofyahshua.com