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by Your servant Dan

My God Above all Gods

My God is a God of peace and does not need me to fight His battles. One day He is going to come to this Earth and put an end to war and the way of war. In order to make the world follow the way of peace He will shake this Earth to its very foundations, mountains will be moved, Islands will moved and the armies of the world will be brought to nothing – but that will not be the end. Yes, a God of peace, He has no desire for war but men refuse to accept this and make war not only among themselves but against the God of Gods, the Creator and sustainer of all things. He will eventually force peace on everyone, like it or not. I do not need to fight for my God in the way men fight among themselves, no my battle is a spiritual one, an internal battle against powers unseen. My God does not need my help in His battles, but I do need Him. This is not the case with many other religions, even some religions claiming the title of Christian. Our God and Savior, YaHshua, has not asked one Christian to force another into submission to their belief or way of living. The Messiah, unlike other prophets, never said we must spill the blood of others in order to get them to submit to His Kingdom. Think about it, what kind of God needs man’s help to accomplish His purpose? My God is not so weak as to need our help. In times past He allowed selected humans, individual, and collective to prove a point – their need for Him. This failed, of course, in the collective realm and the covenant made with the individual, Abraham, ended up being the only covenant remaining in tact while the covenant offered to the collective group of people descendant from Abraham failed, but that is not the end for Israel as it is in the Plan of my God to deliver all of Israel when the Kingdom of God is established at the return of our Savior, YaHshua. I wait patiently for my God to return and for the eventual arrival of our Heavenly Father at the end of the 1000 year rule of YaHshua.

Deceived and Misguided

The deception of Islam is equal to the deception of the Christians as well as the deception of the Jews. Certainly each thinks the other is wrong when in fact they are all wrong. Listen, my friends, when this Earth reels like a drunkard and it shakes as never before it will not matter where you live or who you are rich or poor, you will be lucky to survive these events and if you do you may wish you had died -- many in those days will seek death but will not find it. The inhabitants of this Earth are going to be reduced on a massive scale and the powers that be will be reshaped, reformed, and the greatest rebellion in history, against the one true God, will begin. Forget about what you have read, what you have been taught concerning the end age. What we see today is not going to be anything like what tomorrow holds, into next age -- leading into the return of the Messiah and the Wrath of God. All of the modern prophets of today will be silenced and made ashamed of their own words, words that ultimately led the people to believe in lies filled with half truths. The Word of our God will cease to be preach, like a famine over the world, then will rise the Beast, speaking great things against the Most High. When these days set upon this world great fear will settle in the hearts of men. No matter what religion you profess the suffering of those days will be great. (See on Great Quake) 

I am not an historian but I do realize a lot of history is written from a biased point of view and as such is not totally true and this applies to religious and secular scholars equally. No one, however, can deny that Mohammad dipped his hands deep into the blood of his own people. No one can deny that the Catholic Church of Europe washed her robes in the blood of saints and many of her own people. King David, of Israel's history, was not allowed to build the Temple because he had blood on his hands -- he was a bloody man, a warrior, to be sure, but this made him unfit to lay the foundation's of the Temple of the Living God among men -- he had spilled the blood of innocence. Where David differs from the blood thirsty fanatics of today, known as religious terrorist, is David's repentant heart. He had a true sorrow for his sins against His God, a God he knew did not want the blood of innocent and he was cut to the heart in his sins against His God, unlike those that spill blood in the name of their god, thinking they are doing god a favor -- they killl the children of the Creator under the false preception of doing service. This is not a corruption of any single group, all appear to be guilty of this at one, or more times, in their history.

Believe me, those having spilled innocent blood in the name of their god will tremble at the presence of the Messiah when their wicked hearts are laid bare and their wick deeds are exposed. Heaven? Do you dare think you will be allowed into such a holy place as Heaven? You, full of innocent blood and hate, having drank the blood of the innocent -- you believe you are worthy of Heaven, or Paradise?

What of the evil men deceiving you into believing they need your blood and the blood of others in the service of their god? They will not escape in the day of judgement, in that day they face those they have harmed and stand before the Creator in deciding their fate. In their evil deception and hate filled hearts they thik the killing of their brothers in creation they have salvation -- how absurd.

Only one Blood can lead to Salvation

I need the blood of only one, and His blood covers my sins that I may approach the Heavenly Father and be forgiven my sins. But you, you who kill in the name of your god, you need the blood of hundreds, even thousands and still you are not satisfied, still you are unclean. My hope is in the one that has defeated death -- the one that has defeated Satan. Your mentor, the destroyer, Satan, calls for more blood, there is never enough. And what of the mothers that in their self-righteous, evil hearts, filled with false pride, send their sons to their death -- sacrificing your sons on the altar of your bloody gods? Shame on you all for the blood of the innocent is on your hands. As the blood of Abel cried out from the ground (the Earth) so will the blood of those you have killed in your land and the land of others. Should your punishment be in less than that of Cain? Banished from the land, banished from the Kingdom? You are not going to any paradise -- paradise will not contain hate. Heaven is not a place of people covered in the blood of humanity -- the Kingdom is not going to be filled with murderers or any detestable, unclean thing. that's right, you having spilled the blood of innocent people are unclean and will have no place in Paradise.

WAKE UP from the deception of false promises, you Christians, you Islamist, you Jews and look on Him whom you have pierced and continue to pierce. A day is coming when you and your fathers will literally see Him whom you have pierced. How much longer will you be allowed to crucify the Savior of the world, murdering Him over and over again? But how have we crucified Him, you ask? By the murder of innocent people, people made in His image.

When Yahshua spoke to the Jews of his days (in the flesh) he pointed to the bones of King David making certain everyone understood the bones of King David were still with them and not in heaven. Even the Moslem's acknowledge King David and even the man Yahshua, son of Mariam ass specasil people. Most of the Islamic teachings acknowledge Yahshua as a man of peace and they hold him in high esteem, honoring Him as one of the great Prophets -- still, even as some professing followers of YaHshua, continue to murder and hate their brother, those created in the likeness of God Himself. The heart of wicked men, preferring to follow Mohammad into what is preceived as righteous murder. How can there be such a thing as "righteous murder" except in their own deceived minds?

Are any so deceived as to believe they deserve paradise for murder? I suppose there is. Are such men ready to face those whom they have murdered? Can they really suppose that all they have killed in the name of their god were unrighteous and deserving of hell, while they are deserving of Paradise? Can any greater a deception cover a mind so totally as to believe that wickedness equals righteousness? Flee these wicked men that would have you believe such things. Escape from them while you can for it is not Heavenly places they are headed and it is not Paradise they are headed for.

The day of judgment is coming my friends but before that time, before anyone is allowed into any kind of heaven, or paradise, this Earth is going to get knocked silly, reeling to and fro and the whole of humanity is going to think the end of the world is occuring Revelation 6:12-14) - but not yet. We should be getting ready for the big one, two, and three, and perhaps more punchs -- and then, and then -- the heavens above will appear to be falling on us, a shower of falling stars the world over and this will be followed by an asteroid the size of a mountain smacking into one of our the oceans (sea?). And soon after that a comet will enter the atmosphere of the Earth and explode raining down a pollutant that will turn all of the fresh water of the world bitter. This will only be the beginning of our sorrows. This is true, this is from the Word of the Living God, these are not my words but His (Revelation 8:6-10). When these earth shaking events occur all of the prophetic book and the faith of religions of today will be seen in a different light, not a time of revival but of further corruption. the bible prophets of today, taching the rapture and the imminent return doctrines will be seen for what they are, highly mistaken individuals, having no concept whatso ever of the Mind of the Living God. Why? Because they let their own desires get in the way of what the plain Word of God says.

Just before our Lord, YaHshua, actually sets foot on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4) men will certainly believe that this is the end of the world, hiding themselves begging for a quick death (Revelation 6:15-17). But, will they repent? No, when they see that the world has not ended, that they have yet survived these great calamities, they will gather together to make war against the Christ, perhaps against all religion. That day is called "A Day of YHWH", and also the "The Wrath of The LAMB", and again, ""The Great Day of THEIR Wrath" (Zechariah 14:1; Revelation 6:16-17). Please take note, in Zechariah, the nations that come up against Jerusalem, and for what purpose? To destroy Israel, to destroy truth, to destroy any connection with the true God. YaHshua will stand on Mount Olives in the day He will deliver Israel, not by the power of men but by His power, given Him by His Heavenly Father. My friends, the world, this sphere we call Earth, is going to be changed and the number of flesh and blood survivors may be few indeed -- especially of those that come against Jerusalem. Our Savior speaks of something happening call the "abomination of desolation" in the KJV or "the abomination that cuases desolation" in the NIV (Matthew 24:15), "standing in the holy place". This is a significant clue and is somthing that occurs just before the "great quake" of Revelation 6. (see Great Quake Part 2)

After the Great Quake

The stars of heaven will appear to be falling on earth, as shower of falling stars the world over, this is followed a mountain sized asteroid and then the comet of poison, poisoning all of the earth's supply of fresh water and the much more torment is going to be unleashed, certain angels of destruction that have been held back are going to be released, an army from the Eastern provinces (read about all of this in Revelation chapter 9) will be allowed to invade the pride of the Arab nations, an army of two hundred million and moving in front of them a great death occurs at the hands of the angels of destruction released upon the earth -- one third of mankind survives up to this point, telling us two thirds of humany has not survived and are destroyed. The massive army is associated with the killing of one third of the population, whether this is an additional third of the some third the destroyer angels are credited with I do not know, but one thing is sure, the earth suffers in an effort to bring it to repentance. After these events the question is raised, did mankind then repent? Looking at Revelation 9:20, the answer is, no.

Considering these events to come the vain teachings of men seem trite. Will mankind repent? When the Earth reels, when the land masses are flattened by the Great Quake, will men repent? Or -- will men be ready to rebel with a new leader an new religion, or no religion?

Study Index
