A Believers Disclaimer - Removing The Fog of Religion

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A Believers Disclaimer

About Us

  I do not speak for our Heavenly Father and I do not speak for our Savior.  The  studies, the comments, even errors and some speculations are mine and only  mine.  I claim no special spiritual enhancements, no seal, or seals, of  approvals.  I have been appointed no great commission.  But,  it is my aim to  encourage, to entice, think about becoming one of the invisible Seven  Thousand.  Following the dedicated to following the Number One  Principle; “Let the  Father be true and every man a liar” (Romans 3:4)  And accepting no other HEAD than YaHshua and our Heavenly Father as the religous authority in your life.  The objective is to let other know they are not alone in not bowing to the modern god of this world that actually have their origins in the ancient past.  Recognizing the true savior of the World was not name JESUS, that that false name is embedded in the Babylonian religion of the Chrisitians, a name that never existed until about 400 years ago.  

I believe there are no other  writings than those delivered by the Apostles to the churches and by the  prophets writings found in what we call the Old Testament.  No other writings,  not Mormon, not the Koran (Quran), not the Course on Miracles, not the writings  of Buddha, or any Eastern religion.  There is but one -- that is one and only one Savior found among men by which we  must be  saved (Acts 4:12).

(Joel  2:32)   And it shall come to pass,  that whosoever shall call on the Name of the  LORD (YHWH) shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be  deliverance, as the LORD (YHWH) has said, and in the remnant whom the LORD  (YHWH) shall call.  (Zech  14:4)
(Rom 10:9)   That if you shall confess with thy mouth the Lord YaHshua, and shall  believe in your heart that God (the Father) has raised him from the dead, you shall be  saved.
(Rom10:13)   For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be  saved.
(Act4:12)   Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven  given among men, whereby we must be saved.
This is what I believe, and it is a  simple as that.  From here there is a  desire to grow in knowledge of Him and our Heavenly Father, and to help others  feeling disconnected from this world’s religions find their way as they seek to  enter the true rest (Sabbath) of our Savior YaHshua.   
(Col1:10)   That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful  in every good work, and increasing in  the knowledge of God;
(John  6:29)   YaHshua answered, "The work of  God (the Father) is this: to believe  in the one he has sent."
(Mat  11:29-30)  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for  I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is  light."
Are you struggling with doctrinal  issues?  Why?  The doctrines are few, that is, if we are  willing to enter His rest –
(Heb  3:18-19)  And to whom did God swear that they would  never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed? So we see that they were not able to enter,  because of their unbelief.  (speaking  of Israel/Judah)
We are the Children of “belief” and do  enter His rest, finding peace in His promises as we grow in knowledge and  understanding moving ever closer to the Kingdom (government) of YaHshua.  This Rest is not speaking about the  7th day Sabbath, as some try to say.   The Israelites of then and now, practicing  their religion, do observe a 7th day Sabbath, but in this verse we  are told plainly that they did not enter the “rest” or Sabbath mentioned here,  they did not realize the true Sabbath (Heb 3:11).  
You are responsible for your own  Salvation.  It is up to you to use you to  accept or reject the truth.  It is up to  you not to close your ears, and to open your eyes.  It is up to you to see through the many  deceptions, and it is up to you to follow the narrow path.  And to the believer this is written --  
(Php  2:12-13)
  Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence  only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear  and trembling. For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good  pleasure
Unfortunately this is not what is  happening with the majority of those of this world.  Others are only too happy to take your life  into their hands and too many are happy to let them, giving up their personal  responsibility toward the truth.   
(Isa 64:7)
  And there  is none that calls upon your  name, that stirs up himself to take hold of you: for you have hid your face  from us, and have consumed us, because of our iniquities  (sins).
This is a familiar condition but I do  hope, as you read through this website,  that you will be encouraged to open your Bible  with fresh eyes.  Also it is my hope that  those feeling the pull of the Spirit toward truth, becoming ever more alienated  from the false teachings of those around them, will find the material shared at  this site refreshing and informative, uplifting and most of all, the knowledge  that you are not alone, the Body of Yahshua lives and is one in His Spirit,  invisible to the world but very visible and active in the sight of YaHshua and  our Heavenly Father.

I  am not starting any kind of group -- I believe the Body of the Messiah on earth  is sprinkled about and not in some particular human organization or group.  And that as we approach the end the real believers and Body of the Christ on Earth will become fewer and fewer, just as in the days of Noah.  We know that in the end days many will come in His Name and deceive many (Mt 24:5) and we see this happening in our time.  The  Body is the property of YaHshua.   
Any  comments or suggestions?  email to:  
This site is  in a constant state of change - I have tried to keep this site in an easy to  read format - keep checking back for updates and additions.  
Check out >  The Coming Great Quake  
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