Satanic and Anti Semitic? - Removing The Fog of Religion

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Satanic and Anti Semitic?

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Satanic and Anti Semitic?
Comment from reader: As your spirit of Satanic hatred towards not only the blessed words in the Hebrew scriptures and also spoken by Yeshua Mashiyach and your clearly expressed spirit of antisemitism, is almost palpable, I am now terminating any further correspondence between us. Any further emails from you will be automatically returned to you unread.  Ptrck
My Response:  Wow, and this is how a conversation can go so wrong.  I thought P and I were having a fair exchange about the Word, and how we got it.  He had sent me a link to a site that is clearly wrong on so many fronts.  For one, the site started out with a heading declaring the coming of our Lord on October 14, 2014, along with a second heading declaring the ultimate destruction of the Roman Catholic Church, to be on that date as well. This site professes to be Messianic as does P.  When I did not agree with P about everything the Jewish scholars -- Mostly Rabbinical teachings, had to say about the Word and the use of Vowels, or vowel points, called nikkud or niqqud (small dots used to indicate pronunciation of a letter) -- then it became an argument.  One thing of note is that the Jewish scholars and translators, such as the Jewish Publication Society, do not agree with P and the website he sent me too.  It is P and the flawed teachings of the website twisting to their own purposes what is known and taught.  For example, P and the flawed website author, both express hatered for the Septuagint translation, a translation the Jewish Publication Society acknowledge as one of the sources used in their Masorete translation of the Holy Scriptures.  Knowing this, the following is my response that fell on deaf ears.
P, quoted the words of our Savior, in order to support his idea and the teachings of the website he linked to.
(Mat 5:18)  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
P said that this was a direct reference to the nikkud (niqqud), or the points used by the translators of the Tank, the Hebrew Scriptures.  I attempted to correct P’s understanding in this by going to the Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries to prove that our Lord was not talking about the Masorete point or dot system.  The Original Hebrew during that time had been lost as a speaking language and the interpretation was left up to the Pharisees and the Scribes, and even the Lawyers to explain to the people in common.  The point system had not been developed yet, and the Hebrew that was read at that time, from the Scrolls, was almost all in Aramaic, a Semetic language developed over millennial of time, associated with the Hebrew that came from the Paleo Hebrew that Moses and Joshua spoke and wrote.  To save the Hebrew Bible, as the Hebrew Language was being lost, the Septuagint was created by 72 Jewish scholars.   They took the Hebrew, before it would completely vanish as a language and translated the writings they had into the common language of the Empire, the Commercial language of the day, Greek.   The Imperial Language was Latin, the Roman Language of Italy but the language of Commerce was Greek, much like English has become the commercial language of the Modern World.  
In mentioning the Septuagint I had hit a nerve, ultimately ending in the rant against me and accusing me of Satanic hatred and being an Anti Semite.   
Back before our Savior walked in the flesh, the Hebrew/Jewish scribes did use a point system, but it was rare and only on certain letters to indicate single letter or character with more than one application, such as found in the character letter S, which is sometimes has an alternate sounding of SH, same letter with more than one sound, so a point is placed either the left or right to indicating the S or the Sh sound.  This is nothing like the extensive system developed by the Masoretes centuries AFTER our Lord had risen from the Dead.  
Right or wrong, how is it that this person has determined that I am in a satanic spirit?  As for being called an antisemetic that is almost palpable?  What does that even mean?  I know that our God and Savior does love the Jew and all of Israel and if I am to be called and anti Jew then what would you call the who Created them?  Does the God of Heaven and Earth criticize  them?  I mean, if that is the stick by which you judge things then if I have criticized those scholars who are of Jewish decent and this is how you or any other see me, then how do you see our Lord, the One who criticized the teachers and scholars and religious leaders of His day and time on earth?
This is, of course, what people do when their own argument fails.  They turn to personal attack.  I would not even mention this, much less put on my website but after receiving a couple of emails like this I thought others might benefit from my experience and not be cowed down by accusers, who, actually, may be in danger of blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  How?  If I or another is telling you the truth in the Spirit and you accuse them of being satanic?  That is the one sin our Lord said would not be forgiven -- Luke 12:10 -- It was right after our Lord, YaHshua, had demonstrated the power of the Holy Spirit that He was accused of working with the power of  or from the Devil, and it was then our Lord gave that warning.
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